Engineering courses at the Masters
and the Doctorate level are the most popular courses among most students going abroad to
Getting an admission requires you to do a lot of home
work, be aware of how things work and prepare for each step in the process.
There are
several factors that act together and are important to get you an admission. Getting one
or two of them right is not good enough. All of them are equally important, give them the
importance they deserve, and you will be on your way.
The key factors that will get you an admission are:
1. Your
2. Your Schedule
3. GRE Score
4. Academic Record
5. Statement
of Purpose
6. Recommendation
The first two points talk about the groundwork that you will need to do before applying.
The subsequent points describe the key items based on statistics of students admitted in
the previous years.
The weightage given to each of these criteria is about the same in
most of the programs.
Explore all these factors and if you need help you can
refer to the various counselling and admission services offered by
The First Issue - Your Home Work