The University of
Auckland established these Scholarships in 2000 in order to attract and assist
International students to pursue doctoral research at the University.
The Scholarships will be available annually to students enrolling at the University of
Auckland for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Applicants are expected to have an
excellent academic record. The Scholarships are only tenable by students who are neither
citizens nor permanent residents of New Zealand or Australia.
Applications for the University of Auckland International Doctoral Scholarships must be
made on the application form available from the International Office or by downloading it
from the link below. The completed application form is to be submitted to the
International Office no later than August 1 in the year preceding the award. Late
applications will not be considered. The University of Auckland International Doctoral
Scholarship has a value of $18,000 per annum plus up to $15,000 per annum as a
contribution towards PhD (tuition) fees.
Download the International Doctoral Scholarship & International Doctoral Fees
Scholarship Application Form, print it out, and fill it in. This form, together with
supporting documentation should be sent to:
International Office
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand. |